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Get Instant Access to $12,961.00 of Management Guru Glenn Shepard’s Best Video Training FREE for 30 Days!

Stream Glenn and His Most Valuable Presentations to Your Favorite Devices including your Desktop, Laptop, Tablet, or Smart Phone!

TO: Anyone Who Supervises People

There is a science and a set of skills for:

► Getting people to respect your authority

► Becoming a strong, assertive leader your employees respect, without becoming an authoritarian jerk they resent

► Eliminating unacceptable behavior such as arguing, insubordination, backtalk, and outright defiance

► Correcting people without demoralizing them

► Eliminating destructive behavior (like malicious office gossip) that kills company morale

It’s not about disciplining people. It’s about effectively setting and enforcing healthy boundaries.

It’s not about being mean. It’s about being clear.

I’m a 25-year retired military veteran and didn’t think I could learn much from Glenn’s training. I was wrong. He has many techniques that even the military could and should use. Not only should this training be given to leaders, but potential leaders as well.

Stanley Wilkins
Lee County Detention Center
Opelika, AL


Can you grasp the wisdom of mastery-level skills at psychologically and emotionally understanding people… at creating a relationship with your employees that transcends a mere superior-subordinate hierarchy… at actually being an INFLUENTIAL voice in their lives?

What we’re discussing here should not be confused with “HR” or (only) management.

There is another distinctly different, fascinating area of management that can be even more valuable to you – with its own strategies and tactics. Something even more valuable than basic leadership skills.

It’s the PSYCHOLOGY of understanding why people do the things they do so that you can get them to do what you want them to do.

This is what managers from New York to California (and just about everywhere in between) have been learning from Glenn Shepard’s books, DVD courses, and live seminars for over 25 years.

I cannot emphasize enough how important this training is for all that are in management. I’ve trained with Disney, Hilton and specified training in employee psychology. Glenn taught years’ worth of education in a few hours’ time. I wish I had this available when I entered management.

Kevin Amico
Plaza Resort and Spa
Daytona Beach, FL


Welcome to Glenn Shepard All Access! 
It’s Like Netflix for Leadership Training

We’ve taken all of Glenn’s training programs, converted them to digital streaming format, and broken them up into shorter, bite-sized pieces called Micro Learning.

For the first time ever, you can get instant, UNLIMITED streaming on-demand access to Glenn’s ENTIRE VAULT of trainings for one low monthly fee (Gold and Platinum levels only).

Stream as much as you want, wherever you want – on your TV, computer, tablet, or smart phone.

New material is added every month so you’ll always get fresh content. That’s a whole world of resources unlocked for you!

It contains high-level management and leadership content similar to what’s taught in MBA level classes at top business schools like Harvard. But unlike that Harvard MBA that will cost you $146,000, you can now get UNLIMITED access to EVERYTHING in Glenn’s digital vault of trainings for less than the price of a utility bill.

AND, you can try it FREE for 30 days.

In 20 years in the Navy and over 30 years in management, Glenn’s training taught me better than any other.

David Boss
Northeast Iowa Community Action Corporation
Decorah, IA


Unleash the Leader in You!

Real Leadership can’t be faked.

Fortunately, it CAN be learned. Here are some of the Leadership skills you will learn as a Glenn Shepard All Access member:

How to move from mere Management to true Leadership
How the greatest leaders uncover people’s hidden strengths
How to inspire people to not just meet, but exceed your expectations
What leaders know about motivating people but mere managers don’t
How to balance long-term vision with the nuts-and-bolts of daily operations
The “unfair advantage” that great leaders have over good leaders
The “secret weapon” that’s more powerful than authority
The one thing people must buy into before they’ll buy into your mission
Assertiveness Skills for Managers
Mentoring and Coaching Skills for Managers
Conflict Resolution Skills for Managers
Time Management Skills for Managers
Delegation Skills for Managers
Supervisory Skills for Managers
Mentoring Skills for Managers
Team Building Skills for Managers
How to remove barriers that block employee performance
How to transform mediocre employees into top performers with minimum effort
How to correct people without disciplining them
How to discipline people without demoralizing them
Plus much more!

I’ve been in a leadership role for 28 years and have attended many seminars on leadership. And by far, Glenn’s training has been the best.

Brita Tarver
Wiesner Buick GMC Hyundai
Conroe, TX


But this isn’t just about helping you grow as a leader. Just as importantly (some say MORE so), it gives you proven and easy-to-implement solutions to issues front-line supervisors face every day.

And we’re not talking about “Foo Foo” stuff either. We’re talking about nitty-gritty stuff, right down to things like how to confront an employee about body odor.

I worked in management at McDonald’s for 15 years. Glenn’s training was more informative and practical than theirs.

Sue McDowell
Bank of the West
Worland, WY


You’ll Get Real Solutions to Problems Every Manager Faces, Like…

How to find good people to hire during the worst labor shortage in history
How to get your current employees to stay (and not join the “Great Resignation”)
How to get people to come to work on time
How to tell when a job applicant is lying to you
How to get ungrateful people to appreciate everything you do for them
How to handle it when an employee goes over your head to your boss – and your boss doesn’t back you up
How to get stubborn people who want to keep doing things “the way we’ve always done it” to accept change
How to keep your team motivated when they haven’t had a raise in years
How to deal with people who tell you how to do your job but don’t know Jack Squat about it (the “Dunning-Kruger Effect”)
How to handle employees who try hard but are in over their head (the Peter Principle)
How to stop people from bringing their personal problems to work – even when their home life is like a Jerry Springer episode
How to stop people from “camping out” in the restroom
How to stop group gripe sessions (and avoid being ambushed by a hostile group of employees feeding off each other’s mob mentality)
How to settle conflicts between employees who are good individually but are like fire and gasoline together
How to speed up employees who do good work but are slow as molasses in winter
How to tell how much of your bought-and-paid-for time is being wasted by employees sending personal emails  and the best way to stop it without interfering with legitimate business use of email
The best way to deal with employees’ use of personal cell phones at work
The best way to handle employees caught searching for another job on company time (and it’s not to fire them)
How to manage employees who work remotely
The right way to ask for a raise when you’ve been offered more pay somewhere else but want to stay where you are
How to handle bickering over work schedules
How to slash absenteeism
How to tell if you’re working with a sociopath – and the one thing you should do immediately if you are
How to handle employees who drop the ball when you can least afford it
Five magic words that stop passive aggressive people from taking cheap shots at you
How strict or lenient you should be about employees eating at their desks
How to manage employees who cry at the slightest bit of constructive criticism
How to manage employees whose carelessness causes problems for themselves, their coworkers, and you
How strict or lenient you should be about employees wearing earbuds or headphones at their desks
How to handle it when non-smokers complain about smokers taking too many smoke breaks
How to end insubordination
How to get indecisive people to make faster decisions
The best thing to do with “lame ducks” after they give you their two-week notice
How to manage employees who always blame others for their mistakes
How to deal with people who always want to argue
How to turn around bad attitudes
How to manage hypochondriacs
How to manage problem employees
How to manage whiners and complainers
The single best response to people who say “That’s not in my job description”
How to respond when employees ask you to cosign a loan or give an advance on a paycheck
How to handle it when an employee goes over your head to your boss – and your boss sides with the employee
How to stop malicious office gossip
How to supervise personal friends
How to supervise family members
Plus so much more!

I went to Glenn’s seminar as a last minute add-on. Since that time, I’ve attended a couple of seminars by ‘nationally known providers’ of management training where I was subjected to patronizing catchphrases that left me looking at my watch. Glenn’s training is now the gold standard by which we judge all other management training. Nothing else has even come close. It’s immediately useful, applicable, important information. And because of it, I now have a true A-team that makes coming to work every day enjoyable again.

Milton L. Campbell
Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality
Oklahoma City, OK


If you bought every program in Glenn’s online store, it would cost you $12,961.00. But when you become an All Access member, you get streaming access to ALL of Glenn’s training for one low monthly fee (Gold and Platinum levels).

That’s one heck of a good deal. 

PLUS, You’ll Get Glenn’s Monthly Leadership Lessons (audio)

(included with all membership levels)

We all know that leadership is important, but it’s also tough. It takes time and effort to be the best leader you can be. That’s why Glenn created his “Leadership Lessons” (audio) to help you develop your leadership skills every month! You can listen to these monthly audio lessons anywhere – in your car, in your office, at home, or even while jogging around the block.

You can stream this valuable information on your phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop. AND we’ve gone even further by also making these life-changing lessons available on a physical CD delivered straight to your door so that everyone has access even without an internet connection.

AND it also comes complete with a printed transcript so that if someone else on your team wants to use it, you can easily share this information without them having to listen to the entire recording. This helps keep everyone informed, engaged, and motivated!

This is one package that won’t disappoint. It’s like having a teacher/Glenn right there with you every step of the way! You won’t find another resource like this anywhere else.

PLUS, 24/7 Access to the “Ask Glenn Anything” Database

(included with Gold and Platinum membership levels)

A treasure trove of questions submitted by “Work Is Not for Sissies!” subscribers that Glenn answers on camera each week.

All questions are available to the public – but Glenn’s detailed answers and step-by-step instructions are made exclusively available to All Access members.

And because he often receives similar questions from folks around the world, and because you’ll get instant access to the ENTIRE “Ask Glenn” archives, there’s a good chance the question you’re tackling right now is covered.

PLUS, Private One-on-One Coaching with Glenn when You need a Little Extra “Help”

(included with all membership levels)

You’ll have direct access to Glenn (by email for Silver level, by phone for Gold and Platinum, and in person for Diamond). So if you do have a “situation” that comes up and need to bounce it off of someone who understands what you’re going through but can be objective, you can ask the big guy himself. No substitutes!) It’s like having Glenn sitting right next to you.

We suggest you gather all questions you have and write them down so he can address them in an efficient manner for you and cover the most possible in your consultation session.

Non-members pay $500 an hour to consult with Glenn, but this added benefit costs nothing for members.

PLUS monthly SHRM accredited Leadership University Master Classes with Glenn

(included with Gold and Platinum levels)

Glenn teaches a live online Master Class on a different subject each month. These are NOT zoom calls. These are professional courses accredited by the Society for Human Resource Management for continuing education credit.

You’ll receive a personalized certificate of completion for each one you attend. This is not a cheap PDF download. It’s a real, printed certificate that’s shipped to you, with the SHRM accreditation seal and your name printed on it – perfect for framing and hanging on your wall.

Tuition to live Master Classes with Glenn is $299 for the public, but Gold and Platinum members attend for Free!

And, get this FREE gift just for trying Glenn Shepard All Access!

(included with all membership levels)

Some lucky individuals are born with more talent than 100 average people combined. Others get ahead just by having the right connections or being in the right place at the right time.

But this canvas print reminds everyone that it doesn’t take luck or extraordinary talent to succeed. Ordinary people CAN do extraordinary things and stand out from their peers when they apply themselves.

Just Say “Maybe” and the Gift Is Yours… for FREE!

Take Glenn Shepard All Access for a test drive for the next 30 days for Free. Binge as much of Glenn’s VERY Best Advice for the next 30 FULL Days as you want.

No limits.

This way, you have a full month to see if it really is as awesome as we say. While 96.3% of companies agree that it is, we want you to judge it for yourself. Only pay the standard low monthly fee if you choose to continue into the second month.

If you’re in the 3.7% of companies that don’t want to continue after 30 days, cancel and owe nothing. We have 3 easy ways for you to cancel at any time. By Phone, Email, or on this website.

There’s NO contract. NO hidden fees. NO risk. NO commitment at all. NO Bull – Either you LOVE it, or you can leave.

(And incidentally, Glenn is devoted to the goal of only having satisfied customers. If you’re not going to benefit, he really would prefer that you cancel.)

And the price?

By now you’re probably “worried” about the price.

We’re not going to pretend this is cheap. In fact, we’re a little more expensive than most – and worth it.

Glenn’s training is so good that we get rave reviews from our clients every single day. (Click the play button beneath any of the testimonials on this page to hear for yourself.)

The reason is simple – we deliver results like no one else does.

Glenn Shepard All Access membership is not priced cheaply, but it is priced fairly.

If you bought hard copies of every training program in Glenn’s online store, it would cost you $12,961.00. But because we’ve converted everything to digital format, you get instant, unlimited streaming access to EVERYTHING for the low monthly fee of just $147 for Gold level membership (our most popular).

Regardless of whether you choose Silver, Gold or Platinum, you can try it completely FREE for 30 days. Choose your preferred level, scroll down, and click on the button at the bottom.

For greater savings, sign up 3 or more and the 4th is FREE. (To get the fourth person for free, please call Rebecca Johnson at Glenn Shepard Seminars at 615-353-7125 so that she can enter a manual price override for you.)

About Glenn

Glenn has been in management for over 30 years. He’s the author of six books, which have been published in seven languages, including How to Manage Problem Employees, How to Make Performance Evaluations Really Work, and the #1 Best-Seller How to Be the Employee Your Company Can’t Live Without.

His management seminars have  been hosted by over 400 colleges, universities, and chambers of commerce from California to New York.

Glenn’s first #1 best-selling book in the U.S. was “How to Be the Employee Your Company Can’t Live Without”. These are some of the other countries where it also became a best-seller.

South Korea
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