Click one of these videos to level up your Time Management skills now!

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The REAL reason you always have too much to do is not because you don’t put in enough hours. It’s not that you’re lazy. It’sa not that you’re disorganized. Those are the symptoms, not the problem.
In 1955, naval historian Cyril Parkinson created “Parkinson’s Law”, which explains why you’re always trying to keep up.
In 1924, one of the most shocking discoveries in employee motivation happened at an AT&T supplier near Chicago.
Ever notice how much you get accomplished the day before you leave for vacation? In this video, Glenn explains why it’s the most powerful principle of time management.
In Glenn’s favorite book of all time, The Purpose Driven Life, author Rick Warren asked the most profound question of “What is the purpose of your life?” In this video lesson, Glenn draws a parallel principle to time management and businesslenn’s favorite book of all time, The Purpose Driven Life, author Rick Warren asked the most profound question of “What is the purpose of your life?” In this video lesson, Glenn draws a parallel principle to time management and business.
The Millionaire Next Door reported that self-made millionaires aren’t DIY’ers. In this lesson, Glenn explains how this affects you, even if you’re not rich.
People love to brag about how good they are at multi-tasking. Just one problem with that…Multitasking doesn’t work. In this lesson, Glenn explains medical evidence from the University of Michigan and the FAA that shows multi-tasking actually slows you down.
So if multi-taking doesn’t work, what does? In this lesson, Glenn explains a method that helps you get more done, with less stress, and is medically proven to work.
The amount of freedom that cell phones brought us is unbelievable. But instead of taking advantage of that freedom, some people have turned it into the biggest ball and chain of their lifetime.
In this lesson, Glenn goes over two ridiculously simple yet highly effective ways of keeping your cell phone from owning you, instead of you owning it.
Verizon Wireless recently reported that there are now more texts sent than phone calls made over their network. The average teenager gets 3,000 text messages per month. In this lesson, Glenn looks at how to keep from drowning in this ever-deepening sea of electronic communication.
It’s called “The Web” for good reason. Most websites are strategically designed to suck you in by getting you to click on a link, and keep you on the site as long as possible. In this video, Glenn explains how to break the cycle.
Delegate too little and you’ll never get anything done. Delegate too much an you run the risk of sticking your neck out too far when people drop the ball.