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September 2023
The New App that Some Psychologists
Believe Could Be More Addictive than
TikTok, Gambling, Porn, or Shopping on

The NIH reports that children don’t even understand that the concept of Delayed Gratification exists until around age 4 – 5. After that, it takes years for some people to master the concept. But now there’s a yet another new app that’s enticing grown adults to revert back to their early childhood where Immediate Gratification was all they knew.

August 2023
Why There’s No Such Thing as “Freedom of Speech” at Work

Have you heard about the war of words between Jason Aldean and Sheryl Crow? People can be as controversial as they want on social media. But when it comes to the workplace, you have to set limits if you don’t want to lose good employees.

July 2023
The Great Resignation is over, but the new thing is Quiet Quitting

By: Glenn Shepard
Category: Management
Intended Audience: Everyone

Overview: The good news is that “The Great Resignation” has ended. The bad news is that the new fad is “Quiet Quitting”. It even has its own TikTok handle at Listen to this program to fight back.

June 2023
Why Low Self Esteem Can Cost You $28,000 a Year

By: Glenn Shepard
Category: Success
Intended Audience: Everyone

Overview: A groundbreaking study at the University of Messina found that blue collar workers with low self esteem make $7,000 a year less, and white collar workers with low self esteem make $28,000 a year less. In this program, Glenn explains a 30 second “shortcut” to building higher self-esteem.

May 2023
Four Simple Ways to Prevent Theft, Embezzlement, and Fraud

By: Glenn Shepard
Category: Management
Intended Audience: Management & HR

Overview: What would you say to an employee who took your car on a 258 mile “joyride” while you were on vacation? Or for paying their personal electric bill with a company check? On this program, we’ll look at 4 simple things you can do to prevent things like this from happening to you.

April 2023
Helping Employees with a Victim Mentality Get Over Self Pity

By: Glenn Shepard
Category: Management
Intended Audience: Management & HR 

Overview: Ever had an employee who always feel sorry for him or herself? In this program, Glenn explains how to help people who always see themselves as the victim of one thing or another to move on.

March 2023
Is It Too “Stalkerish” to Check Your Employee’s Social Media Accounts?

By: Glenn Shepard
Category: Management
Intended Audience: Management & HR

Overview: Do you pay severance pay to employees who leave? Ever had an employee sign a “Quid Pro Quo” to protect you legally? If not, listen to why attorneys do this when they fire people.

February 2023
Do Your Employees Have to Respect You? The Answer Might Surprise You

By: Glenn Shepard
Category:  Leadership
Intended Audience: Managers & Supervisors

Overview: Are you old enough to remember the AC/DC song “You Shook me All Night Long”? Spoiler Alert… If you are, this lesson might ruin that song for you 🙂

January 2023
The Amazing Power of “STICK-TO-IT-IVENESS”

By: Glenn Shepard
Category: Motivation
Intended Audience: Everyone

Overview: Do you know someone who never lived up to their potential because they never stuck with anything long enough? If you do, play month’s Leadership Lesson for them. In it, we look at the AMAZING power of “STICK–TO–ITIVENESS” catapulted everyone from Thomas Edison to Tom Brady from “unknown loser” status to legends that changed the world.


December 2022
Would You Hire a Job Applicant with “Stay Away” Tattooed on His Face?

By: Glenn Shepard
Category: Hiring & Interviewing
Intended Audience: Managers only

Overview: When you interview job applicants, do you focus more on their looks, or their qualifications? A shocking study found that attractive women were over 7 times more likely to be called in for an interview. In this month’s Leadership Lesson, Glenn explains how companies prevent that from happening.


November 2022
A Dysfuctional Family Thanksgiving

By: Glenn Shepard
Category: Management & Leadership
Intended Audience: Managers only

Overview: Did you grow up with a loving, supporting, nurturing family where everybody got along? If you did, you could be in the minority. It’s easy to joke about dysfunctional families of origin, but it’s no joke that your employees can still be affected by toxic family members they only see once a year during the holidays.


October 2022
How to Encourage Employees to Grow without Letting Them Set Themselves Up for Failure

By: Glenn Shepard
Category: Management
Intended Audience: Managers only

Overview: Most people are not content with who they are, and want to be a better version of themselves in the future. But most will never become the person they want to for one of two reasons:
1. Deep down inside, they don’t believe they can be.
2. They’re just not willing to do the work to become that person


September 2022
How to Get Stubborn, Narrow Minded, Hard Headed People to Accept Change

By: Glenn Shepard
Category: Management
Intended Audience: Managers, Front Line Supervisors, and Small Business Owners

Overview: Did you know that Wrigley’s chewing gum started out making soap? Or that Nintendo was in the hotel business? Or that Play-Doh was invented at the request of Kroger to clean smut off walls? Change is part of every successful business. In this lesson, Glenn explains how to get people to accept it.


August 2022
Why It’s a Mistake to Try to Be Your Employees’ Friend

By: Glenn Shepard
Category: Management
Intended Audience: Management Only

Overview: Have you ever tried to train a first-time supervisor who wanted to be their employees’ “friend”? It’s always a train wreck. In this program, Glenn explains why – and how to explain it to people who don’t “get it”.


July 2022
Forgiving Yourself When You’ve Done Something Really Stupid

By: Glenn Shepard
Category: Success
Intended Audience: Everyone

Overview: Do you have a harder time forgiving yourself than forgiving others? Most high achievers do because anger is a motivator. And because high achievers hold themselves to a much higher standard than they hold others to. In this Leadership Lesson, Glenn explains why this can be so damaging to your career and personal relationships – and how to change it.


June 2022
Why Your Work Ethic Matters More Than You Think – Even If Your Job is Only Temporary

By: Glenn Shepard
Category: Careers
Intended Audience: Young Staff Members

Overview: Do you want to get a raise and promotion without doing more work? It’s possible to do so by simply asking one question. On this program, Glenn explains what it is and why it changes how your company values you.


May 2022
Why You Always Praise in Public and Correct in Private

By: Glenn Shepard
Category: Management
Intended Audience: All Supervisors

Overview: What do you think about the Will Smith slap of Chris Rock? Did you see actress Olivia Wilde being served with child support papers by Jason Sudeikis on stage? They can get away with that craziness in Hollywood, but it’s a career killer when you’re in management.


April 2022
Is a Two Week Notice Still Expected?

By: Glenn Shepard
Category: Careers
Intended Audience: Everyone

Overview: Can you imagine one of your employees getting on the P.A. system and telling your customers that you employ perverts and racists? That’s exactly what one woman did – and she even posted a video of herself doing it on TikTok. You’ll hear her rant on this month’s Leadership Lesson. (We bleeped out all the expletives, so it’s safe to listen with others.)


March 2022
The $1,000,000 Cover Letter

By: Glenn Shepard
Category: Careers
Intended Audience: Managers Only

Overview: Even with a historic labor shortage, you still have to know how to get a company’s attention when you want to get hired. In this special edition, Glenn shares a cover letter technique so powerful that TWO publishers offered him $5,000.00 for it. If you or someone you know is looking to make more money, make sure to listen to every word of this one.

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February 2022
Three Power-Robbing Phrases Should Avoid

By: Glenn Shepard
Category: Assertiveness Skills
Intended Audience: Managers Only

Overview: What you say matters as much as how you say it. But when you’re in a leadership position, it matters even more. In this month’s Leadership Lesson, we look at three common phrases that everybody uses, but that you should never use when you’re in management.


January 2022
How to Start Believing in Yourself… Even When You Have a Hard Time Believing in Yourself

By: Glenn Shepard
Category: Growth
Intended Audience: Everyone

Overview: Do you know someone who’s their own worst critic and has a hard time accepting compliments? Have you ever wondered why it’s easier to believe the bad stuff people say about us than it is to believe the good stuff? In this month’s Leadership Lesson, we dive into that.

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