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My Boss Is Too Generous and Our Employees Are Ungrateful

Dear Glenn,

I’m the office manager for a physician whose very successful practice employs six full time staff members. He is very generous to his employees, giving them paid time off that doesn’t count against their vacation or sick time, sizeable bonuses several times per year, covers expenses for their uniforms as well as multiple paid lunches, parking and insurance premiums. This is only a sampling of the benefits provided to each employee. The problem comes from the employees always wanting more and not realizing how fortunate they are to be working in an office where they are so appreciated. If the physician gives them a day off, they want two. If they are given uniforms, they also want shoes. If he pays for their lunch, they complain that they only had 45 minutes for lunch instead of an hour. How do you get people to appreciate how good they’ve got it?

Becky in Ohio

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