Dear Glenn, How would you advise me to handle being told I would never get a raise as long as I’m in the position that I’m in? I was told no raises across the board for all employees. I wasn’t born yesterday and I know raises are being given to others. I was told […]

I Was Told I’d Never Get a Raise! Read More » Dear Glenn, Is it fair to give across the board raises to all employees even though some put in more effort than others? I heard the reasoning is so that no one will get jealous of another making more. Should they really be comparing salaries anyway? By the way, your book was awesome! I

Are Across the Board Raises Unfair? Read More »

Dear Glenn, I’m an EMS director and have two volunteer drivers who are losing their ability to be safe under the wheel of an ambulance. How should I approach them to let them know their work has been appreciated but it’s time to stop volunteering as a driver? You couldn’t find two people more helpful

How Do You Tell Someone It’s Time to Retire? Read More »

Dear Glenn, I’m the office manager for a physician whose very successful practice employs six full time staff members. He is very generous to his employees, giving them paid time off that doesn’t count against their vacation or sick time, sizeable bonuses several times per year, covers expenses for their uniforms as well as multiple

My Boss Is Too Generous and Our Employees Are Ungrateful Read More »

Dear Glenn, I am a business manager for a small (16 employees-3 doctors) medical clinic in Iowa. I was hired five years ago to manage everything. I do all of the bookwork, all of the human resource duties, marketing, AR, AP, etc., etc. Recently one of the owners decided since the staff didn’t like how

My Boss Put the Fox in Charge of the Hen House Read More »

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