Dear Glenn, Last week’s issue of “Work is Not For Sissies” couldn’t have arrived at a better time. My business is struggling and we just received an email from my banker with details on how bad our situation is. A true confidence shaker, to be sure. My question is: “After struggling to keep afloat, how […]

How Do You Know When to Throw in the Towel? Read More »

Dear Glenn, I think it may be more of a challenge now then 10 years ago to find quality help. I am a small business owner, in my early 30’s, and struggle finding good employees. It’s hard to find the person who is not just there for the paycheck. What is the key to finding

How Do You Find People Who Care About Their Job? Read More »

Dear Glenn, I attended your seminar in New York and you addressed the issue of employees not willing to sign disciplinary letters. You recommended that a statement be written that states the signature does not represent agreement of the counseling. Can you recommend what that statement should say? Eileen in Kingston, NY Click HERE to

My Employee Refuses to Sign Written Warning! Read More »

Dear Glenn, How do you deal with working in a family business that has too many chiefs, because your father gave it to you? I’m having a difficult time with one family member. I can’t bear working with him and don’t know how to leave this job and move on. I’m comfortable with my pay

Working with My Family is Driving Me Nuts! Read More »

Dear Glenn, Many times, our contractors find a significantly better opportunity that requires them to start immediately. I feel if you are needed at your current employer, giving them some type of notice is always the right thing to do. However there are situations where someone works a job and can be replaced fairly quickly

Is a Two Week Notice Still Expected? Read More »

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