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How Do I Work with a Group of Immature, Hateful People and Ineffective Supervisor?

Dear Glenn,

I could really use your help. I work in healthcare with a group of women. The supervisor is very good at sending out admonishing e-mails to everybody, when, as a rule, one or possibly two people are the ones it is directed at. Gossiping, backbiting and sniping abound. I try to rise above the fray, but unfortunately, it does suck you in at some point. What can I do, as a worker bee, to help stem the tide and work with largely a group of immature hateful people and a supervisor who doesn’t take action and is ineffective? The healthcare setting is stressful in itself, and with all this other nonsense going on it makes for a very stressful, oftentimes tension filled environment. I look forward to your advice. I just recently began receiving your newsletters and find them helpful. And your headline “Work is Not for Sissies” couldn’t be more right on!

Consuela in New Mexico

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